"Mama Repair" post-baby recovery kit
Let's face it your body has seen better days, especially after giving birth you’re not feeling your best. Nine months of pregnancy is a gift from nature, so let our curated "MamaRepair" postpartum care kit packed with all the go-to essentials you’ll need to give yourself the gift of a healthy and vibrant recovery for the first 1-3 months postnatal. Having a baby is not just about taking care of one human being, but rather making sure that the the mental, physical and psychological health of both mom and baby are in sync.
In the Kit:
-homeopathic herbal infused "mamacare" wellness bath/body products toiletry kit
-herbal belly binding paste
-shea butter based anti-stretch (uterus healing) belly balm
-sitz bath herbs perineum repair spray
-multi-werable stretch jersey cotton nursing cover
-seamless underpinnings to get in and out of with ease, nursing accesible, and keeping pads and gauze flush to skin to help hold things in and heal
-depends padded underwear
-custom newborn onesie
Makes great shower gifts, something for mama, and/or a great demonsatration of self care! Remember mamas, invest in yourself so you may continue to invest in others.....
*note* we have a small selection of different baby onesies to choose from. For the destination baby one, please indicate which state baby was born and for the new member one, please provide the baby's birth date via message when ordering
Let's face it your body has seen better days, especially after giving birth you’re not feeling your best. Nine months of pregnancy is a gift from nature, so let our curated "MamaRepair" postpartum care kit packed with all the go-to essentials you’ll need to give yourself the gift of a healthy and vibrant recovery for the first 1-3 months postnatal. Having a baby is not just about taking care of one human being, but rather making sure that the the mental, physical and psychological health of both mom and baby are in sync.
In the Kit:
-homeopathic herbal infused "mamacare" wellness bath/body products toiletry kit
-herbal belly binding paste
-shea butter based anti-stretch (uterus healing) belly balm
-sitz bath herbs perineum repair spray
-multi-werable stretch jersey cotton nursing cover
-seamless underpinnings to get in and out of with ease, nursing accesible, and keeping pads and gauze flush to skin to help hold things in and heal
-depends padded underwear
-custom newborn onesie
Makes great shower gifts, something for mama, and/or a great demonsatration of self care! Remember mamas, invest in yourself so you may continue to invest in others.....
*note* we have a small selection of different baby onesies to choose from. For the destination baby one, please indicate which state baby was born and for the new member one, please provide the baby's birth date via message when ordering